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BioCide Remediation



About Us

BioCide Laboratories is a niche producer of anti-fungal, bacteriological, and viricidal biocides. Our main focus is the mitigation and remediation of water-damaged structures. Mold exposure has reached epidemic proportions throughout the United States; modern medicine has recognized exposure to mold as a “Class II Biohazard”, along with asbestos and lead paint in many countries. Through DNA PCR testing of the environment, and the human body, exposure to mold in the environment is now easily linked to the mold in the human body, thus the rapid acceleration in the numbers of mold lawsuits being filed.

Most of our products are registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Washington D.C., all products have been tested to Government Standards and are recognized as highly effective against “Pathogenic” (disease-causing) fungus/mold.

Rep/Contact Info

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Cley T Dorfman
Vice President
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Jess Marise
Operations Manager
CJ Sams
Senior Sales
Stacey Zanders
